The manager, jack of all trades!

The board of directors and SOVAK INC. form a team based on mutual trust.


The main goal of the board members is to manage the union’s business. This means they carefully watch over the terms of the declaration of the condominium and the upkeep and maintenance of the building:

  • Board members have a decision-making job
  • Board members must be attentive and diligent
  • Board members must be honest and loyal to co-owners

Advising :

An board member’s cautiousness means that they must sometimes seek out the advice of a manager. In turn, managers must be prepared to advise the union on multiple subjects. It is important to remember that board members have the final decision.

Executing :

Once a decision is made, the board members inform the manager so they can act. The manager is also responsible for keeping up with the union’s routine tasks.

Informing :

The manager must keep board members informed about regional and municipal laws and regulations that are in effect. The manager should be the go to for the board members when there are complex decisions that require multiple skills or knowledge of multiple areas.

Trust us with managing your condominium and we will do everything in our power to ensure your peace of mind.